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Legacy Elementary School

Abigail Bryant » Abigail Bryant

Abigail Bryant

My name is Abigail Bryant. I am teaching 4th grade math and science. I graduated Texas Tech and started my first year teaching in August of 2021. I am so excited for this coming school year!
Our schedule:
7:35-7:45 Arrival 
7:45-8:10 Announcements and SEL time 
8:10-8:55 Block 1
8:55-9:45 Conference
9:45-10:45 Blitz
10:45-11:20 Block 1
11:20-12:45 Block 2
12:45- 1:35 Lunch/recess
1:40-2:20 Block 2 
2:20-3:05 Block 1
3:15 Dismissal 
Background image  Abigail  Bryant`s profile picture
Abigail Bryant
4th Grade Math/Science
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